Hello everyone! Today I'm very nervous because I have to go to the hospital for a jaw examination. I have arthritis in my jaw, particularly on the left side. It's very painful and I wake up most mornings with a very sore face and headache. So today, the doctor is going to test my muscles and maybe take another x-ray to see how bad my cartilage is. Last time he said I may need an artificial implant.

  I'm quite afraid of the possibility of surgery, and even the examination itself is sore because the doctor has to press very hard on the inside of my mouth. Last time I almost cried, so with any luck, I'll be better this time!

  But on a happier note, today is my boyfriend's birthday! He turns 22,, happy birthday love! I bought him the final piece of his Star Wars: Cloud City figure collection, hehe. His voice went up an octave when he opened the box, so cute! X3

  I have also lost another 3kg since returning to Scotland. I'm only 5kg away from my target! When I reach it, I'll be making a very personal video discussing how I did it, and I'll be giving away all my secrets. I think this information may be useful to some, since I will have lost a total of 72lbs/5 stone/33kg. That's a lot to lose but much to gain!

  I'm missing Germany very much. I've uploaded more photos of my time there at the bottom of this post. Besides GamesCom, we actually did many cool things, like visiting the chocolate museum, taking long walks to and in Herdecke, and spending a day in the Botanic Gardens at our friend's university. It was so wonderful, especially the weather! The hottest day was 42 degrees Celsius though, that was a bit much for me!

  My university starts on the 17th of this month. It's my final year, and I'm very much looking forward to it; because I have completely run out of money and have calculated everything specifically to last me until the 17th. No earlier, no later. My food runs out on that day, and I'll also have bills to pay. Here's hoping my student loan arrives on time!

  I also intend to buy a 3DS. Do you have one? Send me your friend code! I'll be purchasing games like Mario Kart, Zelda, Star Fox and maybe even some kind of RPG. I'll see how that goes. I'm also considering purchasing a TV so that I can play my PlayStations again. I have so many games there, from Silent Hill to Grandia, that I haven't touched in months, and that's no good!

11/9/2012 08:49:46 am

I hope everything goes ok at the hospital and it’s understandable to be nervous but remember everyone is here to support you if you need help ^_^.

12/9/2012 07:12:25 pm

Thanks, it went well but I'm still a bit sore.

Lazy Ray Finkle
13/9/2012 02:29:54 pm

Oh my God! I am so sorry to hear about your jaw. I hope and pray everything turns out all right.

Man ,that is an awesome present. I'm surprised his voice got all high pitched. :D

21/10/2012 03:45:44 am

Thank you, sorry for the late reply! I have a new retainer to sleep with at night, it's made of very solid material and means I won't grind my teeth so much!


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    I'm a 24 year old lady in Germany, and I just graduated with a counseling degree. I'm  engaged to the most wonderful man in the world and just moved in with him!
    I have an odd taste in music, love yoga and cooking, and adore animals. And I'm a little derpy, but I prefer the term "free-spirited".

    Contact Red:

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