It's been a while since I made a journal post, many apologies! I've been very busy with the start of the new semester. Today I was researching some diabetes and cardiovascular disease statistics for a presentation I have to do quite soon. I've finished researching though, all I need to do is put it into powerpoint. All I have to do then are 3 essays and 2 exams... ugh!

  I'm very excited for Christmas this year - more than usual! My partner is coming to Scotland to spend it with me! I'm actually going to Germany on the 17th to spend time with his family until the 21st, then he's flying back with me to Scotland for a couple of weeks. So we get to spend Christmas AND New Year together! This is so perfect!
  I've also started my Christmas shopping. I'm making a cushion for someone, I'm afraid to say who in case she reads this blog... But I'll show you what I've done so far! Last night I was awake until 2am cutting out the fabrics, and today I stitched the face together. See if you can guess what it is:

   I've been rather busy taking care of my cats, recently. Nina is still to be neutered - which isn't so good because she's almost 5, but I've never had the money for the surgery until recently. I hope to get her fixed before Christmas. Reno is also struggling with a little skin problem at his ear. He occasionally gets this after he and Nina have been fighting, and she always gets him in this spot, then he scratches at it and it just gets worse. So I've put a collar on him, bless him.

  I've also been making some German, Moroccan and Italian cuisine lately. They're quite healthy, especially the Italian-style mince I made. One would argue that this is actually bolognese, but I prefer to have this with crusty brown bread instead of pasta. Either way, I love cooking new things so this is very exciting to me!
21/10/2012 03:42:09 am

Great job on the uni work! I'm so proud of you! <3

I can't wait to see you <333

21/10/2012 03:46:22 am

Hehe, thanks. X3

I can't wait to see you either! I love you! xxx

21/10/2012 03:47:23 am

I love you!!

21/10/2012 05:18:56 am

Loved reading your journal. Poor wee Reno with that collar, hope his ear heals soon. Your meals look delicious, you've become the right wee cook. The pattern your working on is very pretty and I look forward to seeing it at Christmas xx

21/10/2012 05:21:09 am

Thanks mum, his ear is slowly but surely getting better. I can't wait to see you all at Christmas, and I'll be seeing you in Glasgow on Tuesday, can't wait! Love you! xxxxx

Pamela. Mum
21/10/2012 05:25:48 am

We are really looking forward to Tuesday, we'll have all day to walk around and knacker ourselves lol!! Wonder where we'll go for lunch!

21/10/2012 05:40:55 am

Starbucks? Or Pret a Manger? We'll figure something out!

Lazy Ray Finkle
26/10/2012 12:39:06 pm

Those presents and those meals look astounding.

Hope you and your kitty cat get to feeling better soon.

26/10/2012 04:11:05 pm

Hehe, thanks! I've made progress with the owl, but only a little. When I get my new glasses I'll bet I can finish it in an hour or so.

And I'll pass your regards to Reno, he's getting a little better but he's still very upset that he can't clean himself with that thing on.

13/11/2012 01:40:24 pm

HEY. Make me those sausage looking thingies in the middle. They look freaking delicious.

14/11/2012 02:20:10 am

Anything for you, darling! I'll make it at your wedding. X3


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    I'm a 24 year old lady in Germany, and I just graduated with a counseling degree. I'm  engaged to the most wonderful man in the world and just moved in with him!
    I have an odd taste in music, love yoga and cooking, and adore animals. And I'm a little derpy, but I prefer the term "free-spirited".

    Contact Red:

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