Hey guys, it's me again. I haven't posted in a couple of months, I know - I had a lot going on in my life. This year is the Year of the Snake - which means it is my year, since I was born in '89.

  I hope everyone had a good Christmas! My festive season was awesome, my partner came over from Germany and spent Christmas with my and my family. My parents adore him, as do all my aunts and my grandmother. They're more supportive of my move to Germany than ever before. Here are some pictures of my Christmas:

  Speaking of Germany, I am officially moving over after graduation, which is July 11th. Until then I have a lot of university work to do. I'm visiting my partner in March for 12 days, then coming back to finish my degree and do my last exam.

  Fitness wise, I've been very productive indeed. I'm still eating healthy, and I actually completed Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred for a third time. I'm currently doing her other 30 day workout, called Ripped in 30. It's intense but I'm enjoying it! I'm now quite small in frame, and I'm really enjoying it. I have so many lovely clothes I can wear.

  Lent started on Wednesday, so I'm giving up meat for 40 days. But not fish, of course - I need protein from somewhere. It's not too hard but I do miss things like spaghetti bolognese and sweet and sour chicken. However, this is a test, and I know I can do it.

  I am very sad, in fact miserable, to report that I no longer have my cats, Reno and Nina.. I handed them to the Cat Protection just over two weeks ago. It was an awful day. I don't even know how it happened, it just happened so fast... I called them up to ask about allergy relief, as my asthma was getting worse and worse and my skin would also break out in hot rashes.
The woman on the other end of the call quickly just said "Would you like us to come get them today? We have a pen ready but you'll need to be fast, they go like gold." I was in shock, and I hesitated, and she was like "Allergies only get worse over time, so if you're thinking about this now, the sooner the better." So I agreed, somehow..? And by 2pm, my babies were gone. I could hear Reno yowling all the way down the stairs in his little carrier.
As soon as the workers left, I cried like I've never cried before. I was crying so hard I almost threw up, I didn't even know that could happen. And I have cried every day since.

  I then had to move back to my parent's place, to visit someone who is ill right now, mostly, but also because my flat is now so empty. I needed to be around people. But sometimes I just feel like there is no end to sorrow, and bad things happen one right after the other. I just need to concentrate on moving in with my partner, and starting a life with him. This is what I need.

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    I'm a 24 year old lady in Germany, and I just graduated with a counseling degree. I'm  engaged to the most wonderful man in the world and just moved in with him!
    I have an odd taste in music, love yoga and cooking, and adore animals. And I'm a little derpy, but I prefer the term "free-spirited".

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